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Fig. 5 | Marine Biodiversity Records

Fig. 5

From: First record of Antarctic minke whale, Balaenoptera bonaerensis, in the northern Gulf of Mexico

Fig. 5

Variable sites within each nuclear locus for comparison of the unknown stranded whale to three Balaenoptera species (Bbon = B. bonaerensis, Bacu = B. acutorostrata and Bede = B. edeni from the Gulf of Mexico). Length of alignments for each gene is provided below gene name. N = number of samples with identical sequence. IUB codes used for ambiguous positions, dots indicate identity with top reference sequence, dashes represent gaps. There were no INT sequences available in GenBank for B. bonaerensis. The final column tallies the number of fixed differences and indels (indels counted as events, so a 21 bp indel was counted as a single event) between the unknown baleen whale and other species, but note for some species-loci combinations only a single sequence was available for comparison. Additional file 1: Table S2 provides GenBank accession numbers for sequences taken from GenBank

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